Friday, October 23, 2009

Tarquinia Necropolis

On the third day I really over slept. Thankfully the hotel was very accommodating with breakfast and then took us to the Tarquinia Necropolis to view the tombs. Wow! What a fabulous sight. It was very much like visiting the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. There were 19 tombs open to see and I trekked with my broken toe into each and every one.

Pic. 1 is of containers used to house cremated remains in a cemetery.

Pic. 2 is of the area where the tombs are. Pic. 3 is of one of the secured entrances to the tombs. Pic. 4 is of the narrow steeps steps down to the tombs. Each entrance was different and this was of medium length. Most of the steps were longer. The tombs unearthed in the 1800s had very steep steps. Those unearthed in the the 1960s had more modern easier to navigate steps. The whole areas was filled with underground tombs. Apparently there are thousands of them. Not all have been unearthed and some that have been unearthed have been filled back in to preserve them.

Pic. 5 is of one entrance to a tomb that was dug out of a hillside.

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