Sunday, November 15, 2009

Highlight of the cruise - Hot Glass Show

The show I'm loving the most on this cruise is the Corning Museum of Glass Hot Glass Show. They have been having them all this time but I was limiting my movements with my broken toe so haven't been attending. I got to the first one on the first sea day and am hooked! So far I've been to 4 off and on. The reason I say off and on is that there are 3 glass blowers. Each one makes a piece during each show. The change-over time is a convenient time to pop into the buffet for lunch as they generally run over the lunch hour.

I need to bring my camera more often as the pieces have ranged from the mundane to the truly spectacular and you never know what you are going to see in advance. They have been demonstrating quite a few different techniques so each show is unique. Attached are some pics from my first show but since then I've seen some really great pieces made so will have to bring my camera again to capture the creation.

I also have to give credit to the glass blowers for being excellent presenters. They manage to keep things interesting and do a good job describing the process.

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