Saturday, October 31, 2009

Glorious Jerusalem

I had a fantastic time in Israel. Our guide was wonderful! She had some tough situations she dealt with and still managed to pull off a wonderful tour. It's interesting how a guide's pride, love of their country and enthusiasm can really make a difference when they tell you about the sites.

We started our drive to Jerusalem about 7:30 in the morning with an expected 2.5 hr drive. She gave us a wonderful history of the road we were on and how it had been secured through the years. Unfortunately there was a broken down bus that delayed us for about an hour.

Eventually we arrived on the top of the Mount of Olives where we had an introductions to the sites. One of the highlights was the gold dome in pic. 1.Unfortunately the wind was blowing quite hard and the air had turned cold so we didn't pause to admire the scenery. The whole hillside below us and leading up to the wall of Jerusalem was covered in graves.

We then drove to the city wall to begin our walking tour (pic. 2).

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